Sunday, March 25, 2012

Busy week in PreK

We had a busy week at school this week.

Here's a look at some of what we did:

We have been reading different food stories.   Here we are reading Eating My ABC's.

We have been mixing colors to paint different kinds of food.

We are having fun in our veternarian clinic and are learning that taking care of animals is a lot of work but a lot of fun too.


We have started making some Easter things.

Here we are making Easter pictures at the art center.

We are learning how to string paint Easter eggs.

String painting is messy!!

We also had fun trying different equipment in the gym.

Eating a Rainbow

Eating our fruit and vegetables rainbows last week caused some great discussions.

We enjoyed trying many different fruits and vegetables.

Through this activity we worked on:
  • sharing and taking turns
  • vocabulary- learning the names of different fruits and vegetables
  • recognizing and naming different colors
  • sequencing colors in a rainbow
  • sharing personal information- our likes and dislikes
  • communicating our ideas with others
  • experimenting with new materials (trying new food)

Here's a look at us making and eating our fruit rainbows.

Here's what some of us said while making our fruit rainbows:

"Bananas are soo good."  Hannah
"My mom bought kiwi."  Alexander
Ahhh-this doesn't taste very good."  Jase
"Purple fruit?  I wanna taste them."  Jaydon
"I tried them one and I don't like them."  Madax
"I'm eating my banana." Keelan

Here's a look at us making and eating our vegetable rainbows.

Here's what some of us said while making our vegetable rainbows:

"I like yellow peppers."  Alexander
"I only like carrots."  Jase
"No green."  Jaydon
"I only like carrot vegetables."  Madax
"I don't like these."  Keelan
"I tried one."  Hannah

From the look and sound of things I think our fruit rainbows were more popular than the vegetable ones.

Enjoying Our Rainbows

Eating our fruit and vegetables rainbows last week caused some great discussions.

We enjoyed trying many different fruits and vegetables.

Through this activity we worked on:
  • sharing and taking turns
  • vocabulary- learning the names of different fruits and vegetables
  • recognizing and naming different colors
  • sequencing colors in a rainbow
  • sharing personal information- our likes and dislikes
  • communicating our ideas with others
  • experimenting with new materials (trying new food)

Here we are trying our fruit rainbows:

Here we are trying our vegetable rainbows:

Friday, March 23, 2012

Classroom Fun

We've had a busy week continuing our grocery store and food project.


We've also started working on some Easter things.

Here we are marble painting Easter eggs.

And of course we can't forget trying scooters in the gym.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

St. Vital Rainbow Adventure

We have had a busy week in PreK.

On Tuesday we walked to the grocery store- thank you to all those who joined us on our adventures.
We will be making a video about our grocery store visit- keep watching our classroom blog for when it is done.
Here we are walking to the store.  We were glad it wasn't a snowy day.

Here we are getting ready to go into the store.

On Thursday we used the fruits and vegetables we bought at the grocery store to make rainbows.

We enjoyed trying lots of different fruits and vegetables- some that we liked, some we didn't and some that were new to us.


BCS Rainbow Adventures

We have had a busy week in PreK

On Tuesday we ventured to the grocery store, thank you to all parents who went with us. 

Please keep an eye on our classroom blog as we will be posting a video about our trip to the store soon.

Here we are waiting to start our store tour.

While at the store we purchased different fruits and vegetables to take back to our classroom to try.
Here's our basket full of vegetables.  We tried to find a rainbow of different colored vegetables.

Here's our basket full of fruit.  I think we found fruit in 6 different colors.

On Thursday we made fruit and vegetable rainbows with the items we purchased on our field trip.

 Here's a look at some of our fruit and vegetable rainbows.